Saturday, March 22, 2014

Preparing the Linhof for Street Shooting

Recently, I custom built a Linhof master Technika 2000 into a Speed Graphic-style press camera. The main differences would be the fact that this Linhof is built like the proverbial tank, and my setup will not be using a mounted rangefinder to focus.

I have been getting the final adjustments of some things on the camera set, and this has proven to be a very time consuming and tedious process. The the plan now is to hit the streets of  Portland and test this cameras agility and prowess at quick shooting. I anticipate some very impressive imagery due to the nature of the film size (4x5). I will be using it much like a smaller format camera, capturing fleeting moments of everyday street scenes.

The focusing back was designed by me, using a Hasselblad focusing hood. I wanted to focus on the ground glass, then be able to shoot with the upper viewfinder after collapsing the hood.

This is an image of me using the Linhof camera at the fashion event that the above image was taken at.

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